Friday, 12 June 2020

Black Lives Matter

It has been a very long time since I have posted on my blog. However, recent events have made me want to share my voice. Albeit in a very low key way.

Below is what I want to post on facebook. It only covers a fraction of what I want to say. But I hesitate because I know there are lots of people out there who ready to anybody a racist if they do not fully agree with them, which I also find unacceptable.

2020 has been one hell of a year so far. Too many things to mention, but I don’t need to list them to prove it, everyone knows it.

I’ve had opinions on some issues, and I’ve not had opinions on some issues.

I struggle with the idea that the news agencies put their spin on the news and therefore are able to control many of our opinions. I struggle with it, because I think it is more true than not. These ideas then get perpetuated by social media. I try not to fall victim to this. I try to ensure my mind is my mind and I’ve considered all the facts, but I worry that the reality is I don’t have access to all perspectives and so yes, my opinion does become biased or even controlled.

The adage you are what you eat comes to mind. So unfortunately of some of these highly charged topics, my opinion is based on what content I have consumed.

There was the recent issue here in the U.K. of Mr Dominic Cummings, a man of a position of responsibility and somewhat leadership, who if not broke lockdown rules then pushed them to the limit. This cause outrage among many. I remained neutral. But after seeing a clip of the press outside his house all huddled up trying to get a phots or a comment, I jumped on the hypocrisy band waggon.

Most recently we have what has become an international interest of George Floyd and the ensuing reminder that black lives matter. I’ve read many posts and statements and watched many videos on the subject. Some I have agreed with and others I have not.

I have given a lot of thought to what I have seen & read and I have been reluctant to post anything because I have also seen people post or repost statements and because the language was not absolutely perfect they have been attacked. For fear of not getting the tone spot on, or causing offence to someone on such a sensitive and charged subject I have kept my opinion to myself.

I have found myself thinking, just because I do not post anything on social media, it doesn’t mean I don’t care. And I have been guilty of thinking the opposite, just because someone does post something, it doesn’t mean they do care.

I have also thought to myself I don’t want to be posting any kind of statement just because everyone else is or because I feel obliged to join the masses.

However, I do believe that there is power in having a voice. One voice may not be heard, but if there are many voices then we can make a difference.

Amongst all these voices there may be many conflicting views, but they will all be serving the purpose of raising awareness.

I want to relate, but I suspect I can’t. The best I got is that I’m an active Christian. These days that feels like an outnumbered group. Sometimes as wrong as it is, I do want hide my light under a bushel and hide who or what I am, because it just makes things easier. But I understand that some parts of our identity cannot be hidden. Not that they should be, we should all be afforded the privilege of being who we are and who we want to be.

I want to thank all those who have been brave enough to share their thoughts/feelings (or reposting the thoughts and feelings of another) even at the risk of being targeted for having a differing opinion to another. I have been reading and listening. I have been reviewing posts and comments from all sorts of perspectives. Some I have cringed at, some have made me feel angry, some have given me hope and some have made me feel guilty. I have even found myself agreeing with seemingly contradicting perspectives. I don’t believe I’m alone in any of these emotions. I have seen many charged comments which have been mean.

A quote I really like is, “it is okay to disagree, but it is not okay to be disagreeable.” It is possible for humanity to disagree on matters and still be civil to one another.

One post that has really stood out to me over the last couple of weeks was one reminding us that after Caroline Flack’s death the message #bekind was re-promoted. This was not too long ago, but sadly has been so quickly forgotten.

So far my ponderings have brought me to the following conclusion, I’m not a bad person, but I can be a whole lot better.

Another one of my favourite posts that I have seen on this issue one that contained an action plan with suggestions of how to become part of the solution, rather than part of the problem.

I’m not going to repost it, but rather suggest each person decide what they can do. Commit today to be a better person and love one another.

There are many willing to tare down people who will not hashtag black lives matter or who suggest all lives matter. And I understand why they would be offended if people use this opportunity to deliver an alternative message, therefore taking away to some extent from their message. Yes, this is the moment for the message of black live matter to be heard. But I am concerned that in amongst those truly campaigning for change there is a large subset missing the point and actually making things worse for themselves.

Where to start with my pondering, It's almost impossible to know.

Black lives matter, and those that are looting, their lives matter too, but they are potentially throwing it away by behaving in this way. There are various reasons why looting has been chosen by so many, but there has to be a better way.

I don't know, but I suspect the majority of black people respect Martin Luther King. He always condemned violence, so it would be at odds for someone to respect MLK while at the same time causing damage, aggravating the police etc.

A post I saw, said something along the lines, if you care more about the looting than the face someone lost their life, then you are part of the problem. I was offended by the comment because I was bothered by the criminal behaviour I was witnessing. I angered me that it was taking place and it made me sad that so many people had chosen that path.

I also saw a post which almost tipped me over the edge saying it it was not okay to disagree on this issue. I don't thing sound individual is saying what 'the police officer' did to George Floyd was okay. We all agree it is wrong. But we disagreeing with how this is being handled, why people are behaving in such ways and with so many perspectives we are disagreeing on fine details. But that not why I was so annoyed at the post. To suggest that it is not okay to disagree is like saying you are not allowed to think in a certain way, you must think a certain way, I want to take your agency to think for yourself away. Now, if you want to behave like that, you may well be branded a tyrant or dictator. Taking peoples agency away is worse than being a racist, in my book.

One video I saw, got me questioning myself. It was very good. The message, if you are against these ant racist posts, then mathematically speaking that makes you a racist. I get the point. And yes, that is logical. But this issue is not as simple as 1 + 1 = 2. It is complex. There are so many factors going into the societies we have built. History is one. Laws, demographics, brain washing subconscious messages in music and other forms of media, stereotypes, the desire to fit in over doing good, the breakdown of the family, friends, role models, governments & big businesses even having a part to play. I have seen so many posts, videos and read so many articles from so many sources I admit to be utterly confused, I find myself agreeing with seemingly contradicting messages. It is so hard to know what to believe about the issue.

But one thing I hope everyone can agree on, amongst all this swirl of information and opinion, we do not have to be cruel to one another. Black lives matter is presumably a movement that want everyone to respect them, it is a message of love, I hope, so if this is the case then being mean to one another, whether it is black on white or white on black or white on white or black on black or any combination of any shade in between, we really need to remember to be kind to one another. If any supporter of black lives matter is seeking respect, you are not going to get it without earning it.

So as stated above, my conclusion from all this is I will commit to being nicer and respectful towards everyone.

Matt 22:37-40

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