Thursday 13 August 2015

Election time

I try to vote for the party that supports 'the family' in general, not necessarily my family.

They say you shouldn't talk about politics for a reason. However, when election time comes around, it is kinda forced on you. This year was the 1st year that Facebook really saw a lot of action with people posting links to articles and personal views regularly.

I'm all for people haveing an opinion and a voice. What I don't support is people being offensive with their voice (in this case in written form). You can say what needs to be said without offending others. You could say, so what if you find my comments offensive, what's the worst that can happen. And sometime there are people out there looking to be offended and will take offence as non-offensive comments. But we should all seek to be good to avoid alienating either ourselves or others.

Many of my friends on Facebook are Christian. We try to follow the example of Christ. He would not go round deliberately offending others. Sadly, many of my friends forgot this. It made me sad.

I personally don't tend to comment of the politics but I did make a point of commenting on people's behaviour in the hope of reminding my Facebook friends that name calling and mud slinging is not the lords way.

Below are a couple of examples.

My 1st comment was put up on 30th March, some time before the hype had really got going. I thought the message was clear.

I'm always disgusted by the parties that do things like hire billboard space to say something like "don't for them because..." Rather than "vote for us because..."

The problem is they are all doing it. So there isn't a single good, moral party out there.

The next comment was in reply to a long string of comments, many people were getting offended and I was trying to keep the peace.

And finally, right at election time. I couldn't hold my tongue any longer. I was getting really frustrated with some stupid comments and behaviour.

The irony, despite being quite bold here, in asking people to stop persecuting and name calling, a couple of individuals who liked my comment, then went on to continue to post heavily biased articles of Facebook.

Some people just don't get the message. Which then makes me question their skills of rationalisation and subsequently question the validity of their political opinions.

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