Thursday 11 June 2009

Here is another one that makes my blood boil.

The runner up to Miss USA, Miss California, stripped of title, ultimately for standing up to what is right.

She was asked in the USA competition her opinion on same sex marriage. Her reply something like "no offence to anybody, but I thing marriage should be between a man and a woman, that what I was taught in my family".

As you would expect there were boos and cheers from the audience. However the sort of people the stage these events like this Perez Hilton guy didn't like what he heard because "the wicked take the truth to be hard". Sometimes the truth hurts. He and others claimed to have felt alienated by her comments.

My opinion is 'so what?' she started by saying she meant no offence by her comments and if you going to ask a controversial question what sort of answer do you expect?

What would have happened if she said she supported same sex marriage, someone else would have felt alienated by her comments, in that instance it would have been the good people. And that would have been wrong.

I say congratulations Miss California and shame on you Perez and all that are on his side.

I just cant stand to see those with correct and right values persecuted, by those living sinful lives. It is a very bad and worrying sign of the times.

In my opinion.

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