Thursday 11 June 2009

Politics! BNP

I have not been in to politics as much as I have these last couple of months. What is being called 'the expenses scandal' caught my eye. I can't believe that despite a pay increase I find it harder now than before! And while i'm in this situation our servants are ripping us off to pay for a pretty nice lifestyle!

Thats not what I wanted to write about this evening though. I want to express my views regarding the BNP gaining power in a local election.

I can't believe it but at the same time I can. I can understand that there are a number of people out there who, because of the bad press all parties, and most MP's, have recieved of late and because of the sudden crumbling of Labour, don't have any faith in our politicians anymore. I can understand how this has been expressed in a lack of desire to vote foor any MP. And that seems to be what has happened.

The BNP did not recieve a significantly higher vote than normal, but the leading parties received a significantly lower vote which has led to the BNP gaining greater authority.

I don't much like the BNP, along with so many other. My reasons are mainly because of the racist undertones that the party seems to be riddled with and because they are so rude and offensive to others. A profesional organisation should control their toung a little more, hence they are branded facist. I do actually think some of there ideas are worth considering though. I may be criticised for saying it but you might agree too, you just don't know you do.

An example is the BNP policy to increase discipline in schools. A recent independant study revealed that many teachers would be in favour of bringing corporal punnishment back into schools. It never did my parents any long term harm or their parents. The youth of today lack this dicipline and consequently respect.

Anyway, a local council now finds itself at the mercy to the BNP. Many people are outraged. So have gone as far as to publicly protest. Others want to collect names on a protition to remove them. Yet the BNP, fairly and legally gained that position.

If people are complaining then they only have themselves to blame. They should have got out there and voted instead of assuming someone else is going to vote for the party of their choice. Because as we have seen this doesn't always happen.

I'm sure this will be a wake up call to all potential voters, not just in the affected council, but up and down the country. Let this be a lesson learned for all of us.

All we can do now is see if they are all talk or if their ideas really do or don't work. The only chance they have of being re-elected is if the implementaion of their policies really does work, and make a difference. But that is not likely, so they had better enjoy thier time while it is theirs.
In future, VOTE.

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