Friday, 18 September 2015

A bit about love

I have started to listen to the radio less and turn on the Mormon Chanel on my car journeys to and from work. Mainly to increase my spirituality and fill my head and soul with more wholesome material. After all, we are what we consume.

I was listening to a show where they were interviewing a singer/songwriter who said her grandfather who is less in touch with his feelings didn't say the words 'I love you'. I can relate to this. While I do often (but maybe not often enough) tell my wife I love her, I don't tell my parents. My makes a thing of it, which now makes it harder.

In my church we sometimes say it. Not very often though. Yet the 1st two commandments are all about love, showing exactly how important this principle is.

We know that actions speak louder than words and that couldn't be more true when it comes to love. You can say 'I love you' all you want, but unless it is backed up by action nobody will believe you. On the flip side, while it is nice to hear, it isn't necessarily essential to say. If you regularly prove it with action, kind deeds, help, gifts, kindness etc then those actions are the words. However, I suppose sometimes, or maybe often, those actions are not translated correctly.

In my church a lot of people do a lot of things for other people. There are people serving all over the place, some direct service and some indirect service. I hope that if each act of service could be vocalised we would hear the words 'I love you' regularly in our church community.

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